Showing posts with label ahqu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ahqu. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Ghost of "Margaret the Medium" OOAK Halloween Art doll by SkellytonArt Designs is now on Ebay. Click Here

Saturday, October 13, 2012

~NEW~ From SkellytonArt This is Norah and her friends. They are on Ebay until Oct 16th.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Diana Of The Dunes by SkellytonArt

Meet the OOAK ghost doll of Alice Mabel Gray.
She was a woman ahead of her time.
A feminist, ecologist,highly educated,
and yet in 1916 she became a recluse to live in the harsh
climate at the Indiana Dunes of Lake Michigan.
Read more of her story on Ebay She is there until Mar 1st.

Thank you for Stopping by Halloween Queens Blog.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"Little Zombie Phoebe At Christmas"

Phoebe has returned to find a Christmas tree of her very own. She has two very nice ornies to hang. She will be on Ebay until Dec 17TH. Click HERE to visit.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Skerry, I mean, Merry Christmas!

Look at Skerry now! He has disguised himself as a Christmas Decoration!
Visit him and his friends at Ebay he will be gone soon.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Halloween Quilt

Hi Everyone!
It is getting to be our favorite time of year! Halloween :)
I have made a Halloween Quilt this year and it was a lot of fun! There are hundreds of hand sewn beads on it. I have made it appear old and musty, as if it was found in the attic of an old house. I so need a new camera as the pictures do not do this justice, if you like it here, you will LOVE it at home :)  Also I have a listed a painting of some dancing witches have some fun in the moon light!
Thank you so much for looking! :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

fUn dOts

good afternoon queen friends!
playful halloween earrings just arrived
in my shop:

be sure to stop by the
queens castle bootique for tomorrow's
update! it's sept 1st - eEk!
xOx, sUz :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

freSh n fUnKy haLLoWeen

hello queen friends!
new to my shop:

be sure to check out my eBay treats here.
auctions end sunday afternoon.

thanks for stopping by and supporting the halloween queens!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

haLLowEen baUbLes

hello friends of the queens!
new in my etsy shop
are two pairs of funky halloween
ear treats :)
sUz :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Witch and her Cat

primitive folk art doll,halloween,witch,primitives,piecake primitives
This witchy gal and her cat are in my Etsy shop..
CLICK HERE to check them out! :o)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Ghost Lady


This is the Ghost Lady in White...she is haunting my Etsy shop right now..
to check her out!! :o)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Did you See that Lil' Devil?

Yes, it is... " Clinger " the cutest Lil' Devil on the block ! And, he is ready to find his way into a Halloween collectors home! Or, any home, that will love him :) He likes to be the life of the party, likes to tell jokes and is always ready to greet with a BIG SMILE!
He can be adopted here.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

April 15th is the 99Th anniversary of the Sinking of the Titanic and the loss of 1,500 unfortunate souls. This is "Lizzie". Inspired by Mr and Mrs John Chapman celebrating their honeymoon on the RMS Titanic when she was lost in the freezing waters of the Atlantic. Sadly, so were the happy couple.

Click HERE to read the entire story.

Click here to view all of AHQU art now on Ebay.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bessy Anne


Bessy Anne  is about 16" tall and at her legs is about 10" wide. She has the pose of a sitting down baby with bent knees. Bessy Anne's legs and arms are button jointed. Notice her adorable separate attached head and the needle sculpted proportions of her face, fingers and toes.  She has pretty painted finger and toe nails. Bessy Anne is made from Onasburg fabric that is paint stained in various stages. She is partially rag stuffed as I think this gives more weight to the doll.  My dolls are unique and rather large for their size.

Friday, February 4, 2011


art doll,folk art,primitive,piecakeprimitives

Thank goodness that groundhog predicted an early Spring!
CLICK HERE to check out Mopsy!
CLICK HERE to see all the Halloween Queens' art!

Friday, January 28, 2011


art doll,piecakeprimitives,folk art

This little Irish lassie is on Ebay right now..
CLICK HERE to check her out!
CLICK HERE for more Halloween Queens offerings!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Valentine Mermaid

piecake primitives,folk art,art doll valentines day

Who says that they don't have Valentine's Day under the sea??:o)
CLICK HERE to check her out!
CLICK HERE to see all the Halloween Queens offerings!