The giveaway is for a basket full of "OOAK" Halloween ornaments created by some very talented Halloween Queens. Below you can view some of the wonderful ornaments that will be in the basket of goodies. For an extra special treat, some of the Queens have included a WIP of their ornament being created!
As Gourdie says.....SCREAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!
Here are the ways you can have a chance to win;
1. Leave a comment telling us your favorite Halloween costume you wore as a child.
2. Become a follower or if you already are a follower leave a comment to let us know.
3. Tell your friends by posting the Giveaway banner & link on your blog .
4. For each and every purchase you have made between January 1st through April 8th 2011, from the Queens Castle Bootique, you will get 5 extra enteries for the drawing.
The last day to enter the giveaway, is midnight April 8th.
The WINNER will be announced April 10 th.
please include an email so we have a way to contact you if you are the WINNER! Good Luck!
This ornament was created by,
Shirley of "Skellyton Art"

This ornament was created by,
Bonnie Jones
2. Tape applied so clay will stick.
7. Finished ornament. Brown paint applied so crackles will show
and crepe paper collar appliedThis ornament was created by,
Karen Harper

This ornament was created by,
Candace of "Howling Moon Designs"
This ornament was created by,
Debbie Hutto "creatively juiced"
This ornament was created by,
Lisa of "Buck's County Designs"

One of a kind original painting of a gothic crow and eerie trees! Done with professional acrylics on a turned wood teardrop ornament that measures
5 3/4" tall x 2 3/4" wide. The painting continues all the way around the ornament and is sealed with UV resistant matte varnish.
Accented with Swarovski crystals, antique gold metallic and a dimensional spiderweb.
Signed and dated.
This ornament was created by,
Sylvia Smiser of " Annaboo Creations "

Sylvia Smiser of " Annaboo Creations "
This Ornament was created by,
Lisa of " Pearl Avenue Studios "

Trick or Treat, Little Witch Ornie,
Sculpted with paper clay, by Lisa, of Pearl Avenue Studios.
measures 5 1/2"
This Ornie was created by,
Denice Smith of " Creates 4 Fun "
Sculpted with paper clay, by Lisa, of Pearl Avenue Studios.
measures 5 1/2"
This Ornie was created by,
Denice Smith of " Creates 4 Fun "

and a web with a plastic spider.
This Ornie was created by,
Shannon Martinez of " Granny Wolf "

She is straddling a ceramic lamb and hurling a pink sparkly Easter egg.
She is a solid sculpt over a simple wire armature
This ornie was created by,
Tammy of " Light and Shadow Studios "

The sides and back are covered with sunflower yellow German glass glitter.
The little star that will hang from the hanger above his head will also be painted and then coated with glitter.
This Ornie was created by,
" Ginny Diezel "

This ornie was created by,
Lisa Corby of " Corbys Cats "

This Ornie was created by,
Jamie Moore of " Creepy Creations "

"Feed Me" Man Eating Plant Ornament
This ornament was created from paper clay, polymer clay and a terra cotta pot over a wood and metal armature.
Hand painted and given a protective clear coat.
The plant measures 6 inches tall not including ribbon hanger.
Has been signed and dated by artist, Jamie Moore.
Diane MacNaughtan " Dianie Mac Designs "

Good Luck to all!!!
Hullo! Boootiful goodies! Please count me in! I am a follower, and I have also posted about this here:
My favourite costume was that of the ghost... the easiest and most fun! I was not allowed to dress up as vampire or witch because back then it was not a custom to do this, but I tried my best to be spooky:)
Thanks so much for the step by step examples of these sweet ornaments.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. What a wonderful array of ornaments. Who wouldn't want to win all of these treasures! I am already a follower. Found you through OWOH. I'm afraid my custume as a child was nothing spectacular, a hobo. I loved it cause I could wear torn up clothes and get dirty. I would be more than happy to add your link to my blog,
So happy I found you. Thanks for such a great post and giveaway.
Wow! Love all the ornies shown so far and a glimpse into the process is so delightful. My favorite halloween outfit that I had when I was little was that of Bugs Bunny...loved saying "What's up doc"! LOL!
I will post on my blog and also on my sidebar to share your giveaway.
My email is dee@icehousecrafts.com .
Thanks for the chance to win and can't wait to see the rest of the ornies unveiled.
These are amazing and I LOVE seeing the process for each one! My favorite costume when I was little was an adorable black cat. I was so proud of it! LOL!
I'd love to be entered in this giveaway! Seeing how some of the ornies were made is a fantastic idea. What creativity!
I'm already a follower & I'll post this to my blog.
My favorite costume was when I got to dress up like a race car driver (my Dad drove at a local racetrack). He let me wear his helmet and his grubby overalls that had his name on the back. I was so proud! But what I also remember was that my Mom had to put a towel over the car's seat so I wouldn't get it all greasy. My brother & sisters kept complaining that I stunk like oil and my sister kept saying I was getting her pink tutu all dirty... LOL What memories!!
oh what a great chance to win some great art!!!
already a follower!!!!
favorite halloween costume, well we had a big trunk full of costumes, my moms old prom dress from the 50's, gypsy outfits, hobo's, farmer, but my favorite was always the gypsy!
Love your giveaways! Such talent.My favorite costume was a big blue bird although my mom made my cousin the headless horseman and he won the contest..
Oh and I've been a follower.
Wonderful Creations...came here by way of Dee of Icehousecrafts.
New follower-LOVE Halloween.
My favorite costume as a kid was the year I was a gypsy. I had these huge metal earrings. My folks did not believe in pierced ears so those earrings were too cool! But when using farm grade fencing wire the fun was done about half way through!
Will post to my sidebar.
My contact is Heartstrokes@aol.com
Thanks for the fun,
oh these goodies are absolutely wonderful..I am a follower and will gladly add this to my sidebar..and I would love to be entered in this wonderful giveaway..Halloween is my favorite season to decorate..and these would be welcome additions to my home this halloween..I would have to say my favorite costume was my gypsy costume..I remember the skirt..
Now a follower, I am happy to say that I am happy to have found you folk. Gosh, looking at all of the talented WIPs, I am almost tempted to drop everything I am working on and start sculpting. I am forcing myself not to, however. Later maybe. Well my bestest costume was in a school play in grade 4. In those days (late 50s) they had crepe paper in wide rolls like real fabric (maybe 24 inches or so wide) and in long lengths...so you could actually make a whole costume from the paper. You could cut it like cloth and do almost anything to it because it was SOOOO strong. I walked home in the pouring rain wearing my costume and really the only damage was that the colors ran a bit. But the costume held together. I was a sunflower I think. Bright yellow petals with that (let me see...as I reach to grab a pencil crayon...in the 'Laurentian' line of crayon it is called DEEP GREEN No.9) dark green like a pine tree, leaves and a brown stem. It was a Halloween play about I forget what.
Anyway, I'm grabbin' your badge and link now. *smiles* Norma
Wonderful ornaments and like seeing the wip's! I don't have a favorite costume that I can remember as a kid (sorry) but a huge Halloween fan now.
Follower too :D
You Halloween Queens rock!!!! Another awesome giveaway.
My favorite costume was a gypsy. I loved all the layers of fun, funky clothing, the scarf wrapped around my head and all the bangles.It was a costume as a kid but I kind of grew into the modified version in my every day adult life-lol.A little gypsy in my soul....
Already a follower.
Will post on my blog.
I'm a follower. :) My favorite costume growing up was a gypsy - Mom donated one of her full skirted dresses and embroidered rows of bright floss around the skirt to brighten it up. A wig (sooo fun for the little girl with the pixie cut hair), a scarf, a black lace scarf. I thought I was so exotic and glamorous. :)
Love you guys! Thanks for being so generous! I especially love the WIPs - a little insight into the creative process.
My favorite costume as a child was a creepy vampire. I loved horror movies even then, and my Mom would find me a creepy old-fashioned dress and my Dad would help with the makeup. I loved it!
Wow,,,,I am shocked, your creations are amazing. I don't even know what to say.
I am a new follower and would love to be entered into your giveaway.
I don't really have a favorite costume as a kid as there were a lot of us so my mom would get us those plastic masks that you could only where for a short time and then couldn't breath. There wasn't enough money for costumes for all, but we had a lot of fun.
I am posting this on my blog and it will be my pleasure as your giveaway is ...........
Wow, what wonderful ornies. I would love to win the basket full, or even one of them. It's great how you posted WIP photos. Those are always fun.
My favorite costume as a child was the year I dressed as a hippie. We were really poor, so we always had to make our own costumes, but back then, most people did. All I had to do was borrow a pair of jean cut-off shorts from one of my brothers, use a burnt cork to make a beard and mustache, tie a leather strip around my forehead, and wear a tye-dyed t-shirt and sandals. It was really warm that year. Most years, we needed a coat.
Already a follower :-)
I posted on my blog!
what a wonderful bunch of ornaments! i would be delighted to be entered in your give-away! when i was young my favorite costume of all, was a scary gargoyle! i made everyone run!
I am a follower! Please count me in.
My favorite Halloween costume was my Wicked Witch of the West costume. I had green face paint on, a fake nose, fake warts, and a really cool broom. I've never been able to replicate it and I loved it so much!
I put the banner, linked to this party, on my sidebar. I have a blog party going on right now or I would do a post about it.
Oh shoot, I forgot... the link to my blog, where I put the banner linked to this giveaway is http://collegewitchexperiences.blogspot.com
My favorite costume was my Woody the Woodpecker one... even had a stiffened gauze mask with a beak!! I think it was the only bought costume I had... the rest were made up ones. I think hobos were very popular in my area!
The the Easterween ornaments... would love to win one!
Wow love all the goodies and how they were made. Follower and posting to blog.
I don't remember my favorite costume. We always made them, one year my oldest brother was an outhouse and carried a old pan with lid for his treats!
Hi Goulie Girls! What a great give away!
My favorite costume as a kid was inspired by Dr. Doolittle. In the fifth grade I made a pushme-pullyou and convinced a friend to go with me. We had a great time and got a lot of funny looks and comments! We traded walking backwards.
I am also signing up to follow your blog and posting on my hive blog.
Thanks for such a great give away.
became a follower
posted on hive blog
Debbie Luttrell sent me from her blog does that give her another chance?
Merry Meet my sisters. What a great giveaway. I am writing to let you know that I have:
Joined as a subscriber and follower
I have posted on my blog in both a post and in my giveaway section
and my favourite costume as a child was Cinderella. This was in the days when we could walk through the halls of apartment buildings and go door to door. My DAD made me a pumpkin coach with all the horses made of pipe cleaners. I pulled all this door to door in a little red wagon balancing on my first high heel shoes that were made of glass (plastic really but they looked like glass). I was 3 years old and I think my Dad had as much fun as I did.
I have been wanting a Halloween tree for many years now and this would be a great start for that tree. It's my fave holiday!
Thank you for this ~ How very fun!
Wow..what a wonderful collection of ornies! Such talented people out there!
I'd love to win, so please include me in the giveaway. I'm a new follower.
My favorite costume as a child was my gypsy costume. I loved it and wore it a few years in a row.
I will post this giveaway on my sidebar.
Thanks so much
Oh how dreadfully wonderful!! I know I don't stand a Ghost of a change but I love all the horrifically creative items I see.
Thank you for a change to win.
I just became a follower so I can see all of your hauntingly terrific items!
No Halloween tree would be complete without these goodies!
I am a follower.
My costume... hmmm... my father was a physician, and had in his possession a human skull, so I donned a sheet onto which I had stitched a red puddle (to simulate blood) at the top and carried the skull, going as the headless horseman. (We lived in upstate NY, so this was geographically appropriate, as well.) I didn't cut eyeholes in the sheet because it had to go back on my bed when I was done. Being upstate NY, it rained, which made my "bloodstain" run all over. This, alas, did not make it look more like blood. It made me look like a (nearly blind) pink ghost.
I am so excited at to find this blog!! Halloween has always been my favorite holiday, and as a child, I loved being a creature of the night...I was always a vampiress!! Fangs and all...it was always great fun. Please count me in for your giveaway.
First of all I loved seeing all the wips! It's wonderful to see the artists/queens process! Thanks for sharing that with us.
My favorite costume was a green-faced haggy Witch. I was in 4th grade and I got to pick out my own very adult and scary Witch mask. I wore a red wig that was my moms. Yep she wore wigs back in the day. I also wore her black mini dress, for me it was long.
Please throw my name in the Witches hat these treats are wicked! Becca
My fave Halloween costume as a kid...hmmmm...difficult to choose just one! Let's go with picnic table. Using a box, we took off the flaps, cut a hole in the top for my body and attached red suspenders to hold it on my body. A red and white checkered tablecloth was glued to the box (a hole in that, too). Plastic plates, napkins, utensils cups all glued on; I wore a plaid shirt and attached a cardboard "handle" to my arm (my body was a "thermos" sitting on the table). It was fun!! One of the best parts of growing up in the 70s...we MADE our own costumes instead of buying them :D
Additionally, I am a follower of this blog :D
Me encantaria participar en el sorteo, todos los regalos son maravillosos y del tema que mas me gusta Halloween.
Como no de pequeña me encantaba disfrzarme de bruja mala jejeje
Debe ser por eso que a los 52 años, me dedico a hacer miniaturas de brujas jejeje
besitos ascension
Subo el aviso a mi blog
I'm along time follower and have posted this about this on my blog here:
My favorite costume as kid was a ghost costume my Dad made for me. It was just a white sheet, but it had orange yarn braids sewn to the head and freckles on it. Great memory.
My favorite costume was the year I was She-ra. I wouldn't take it off after I got back from trick or treating, and then wore it every day after school for a month.
All of the ornies are amazingly made.
But my favorite is Tammy's of Light and Shadows, moon ornament. I have always been drawn to moon sculptures.
Plesae enter me in the giveaway.
And thanks very much!
Teresa in CA
I also like Bonnie Jones sculpture...she is an amazing artist.
Thank you ladies for making such fabulous ornies for the giveaway!
Teresa in CA
My favorite costume to wear was a kimono that was a royal blue color with rich red and pink flowers designed. I was eleven and my mother put my hair up into a French roll with black varnished chop sticks, and I wore red lip stick and held a Japanese fan. I got lots of 'ooohs!' and 'ahhh's' as my hair was jet black and my mother told me I looked like a young Elizabeth Taylor.
Fun memories!
Teresa in CA
My favorite costume as a child was a witch costume with a black cape and a plastic mask. I would give anything to have that costumn now. God to my blog and you will see a picture of me in the costume on the left side bar.
I am now a follower of you blog. So excited to see who the winner is!!
Wow, a great giveaway..love you halloween queens..thanks so much..It's a while back, but I was Snow White :-) Love Disney!
Wow!! what a wonderful giveaway.
I am a follower and have posted about this goveaway on my blog.
I think my favorite costume as a child had to be Glenda the Good witch of the North. I LOVED The Wizard of Oz.
I have been a follower for a while now as well. You can see the badge at www.kattkorpsgryndr.blogspot.com
I have always loved creepy cool stuff, and Hallowe'en. I think my favorite costume was when my Dad painted my face up like Gene Simmons, but in black and red. I called it my KISS demon. I wore a really cool all black outfit, and even spit blood, like the original Demon himself. (I loved KISS) It was a great time. =)
I forgot to leave my email! It's boodlebutt@gmail.com.
I don't see my previous comment, so if I've doubled, I apologize. I've added the badge to my blog.
My favorite costume as a kid was my take on Gene Simmons. My Dad painted my face red in his pattern, only red and black, and I made a cool outfit to match.
1. favorite store bought costume: Darth Vader. Home Made: Princess Leia
2.Continue to be a follower
3. Blogged it http://mousee23.blogspot.com/2011/03/artistic-halloween-queens-give-away.html
So darn neat!
Sweet, what wonderful art ahhhh
My fave costume as a child was a store bought Frankensteins monster I won first place in Kindergarten
How fun! Another giveaway from some VERY talented artists. I can't remember my first costume as a child but I can remember that night well. I was with my best friend and two boys started chasing us and saying they were going to get our candy. My house was only a block away but my friend was scared to run home alone so I ran with her 5 blocks instead.They were right on our heels. We were two scared chickens when we got there.It is funny now but needless to say they had us crying.LOL We knew who the boys were but still gave us chills to know they were going to get us.
I am a follower and have posted your link to my blog. I love the step by step process on the ornies. Awesome! Count me in! Thanks
Oh my goodness - I adore every one of these - you are all so talented - but I love the eyes painted on the beads...
At Hallowe'en? I was a witch of course!
Thanks so much for sharing your talents, and for your generosity.
I am so thrilled to become a follower of your awesome group! All of the ornaments are Amazing! There is soooo much talent on this site! I can't wait to look around a bit more. Please do me the kindness of adding me to the drawing.
Also, my favorite costume as a child is still my favorite costume ever...A VAMPIRE!!! Love to play with different styles as an adult.
I will put your banner and giveaway info on my blog as well.
Warm Easter/Halloween wishes to you all! ~mary helen
Banner and link have been posted! Hope you get a lot of response! Warm wishes ~mary helen
Oh my gosh~ I think I would go into shock if I won! Soooo exciting!
My favorite costume has to be the gypsy costume I wore 3 years in a row. I had this dress that was so cool in my eyes-it had this unique collar. I had a little bandana that I wore in my hair and a big gold hoop earring. (No-no eye patch-that would have been a pirate. hee hee!)
Crossing my fingers AND my toes!
I am a follower too!!
1. My favorite costume as a child was a skeleton. My grandma used to paint my face white and then use coal to draw circles around my eyes and “teeth” on my lips. I loved running after my friends telling them I was a “Cuco” the boogeyman.
2. I’m a follower.
3. The giveaway banner is on my sidebar.
And I know I don't have to say this, but wow! you guys are impressive. Thanks for showing the process. I spend many minutes looking and gasping. I really love to see how different people express their artistic nature; and when they do it in a spooky way, I just LOVE it!
magalyguerrero AT live DOT com
#1. Hmmm, my favorite costume when I was a child was Wonder Woman. The clothes were plastic and tied in the back. I had to wear the mask of her face with those too small eye cut outs. I want to be her again someday:)
star dust 1909 at yahoo dot com
I am already a follower!!
star dust 1909 at yahoo dot com
My favorite costume worn as a child was that of a cat.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
Such wonderful ornie WIP's! Count me in! I'm already a follower. And, my email is in my blogger profile.
My fav costume was when I dressed as a spider with arms hanging down from my own on string. It was so fun to create. I've enjoyed dressing up for Halloween to this day.
I am a follower.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
I have your banner linked up on my blog. Thanks to all for the great EasterWeen giveaway.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com
a beatnik! now you can guess my age!
FUN giveaway & artist goodies!
CK >:-)
Count me in!! Wow, what a fantastic group of ornies!! I could put up my Christmas tree in October and just cover it in webs and ornies!!
Let's see, my favorite costume was a make-shift swamp monster that my mom made from old army clothes from the army surplus!
Sherry from Sherry's Cabin
ohohohoh!!! I SO covet these ornaments! Please enter me thrice, as I have left a post, left a comment and I am a follower!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Oh, I got so excited I forgot to mention my favorite costume as a child was a witch! I almost always went as a witch...and still do~
Wow! Look at all the cool stuff!!
When I was a kid I only had one Halloween costume, and I wore it every single year. It was a witch -- ugly molded plastic mask with eyeholes and a mouth hole, a hat, a cape. It was pretty lame, but then again we were only allowed to go to the immediate neighbors houses, so I guess it worked out okay. My sister wore it every year after I outgrew it.
My favorite costume was sewn by my mother when I was about 10. It was a clown outfit and I loved it.8>)
I just became a follower. 8>)
Hi, What a wonderful giveaway from such talented artists. I am already a follower and I will share on FB too.
Wow these are wonderful. My favorite costume was a witch. My mom painted my face bright green and gave me a bunch of moles. I had a huge hat too. Thanks,mamatkins@hotmail.com
I am a follower. Thanks,mamatkins@hotmail.com
Hi - I don't recall trick or treating as a child in the 50's. I wish I did. My mother made quite a few costumes for me during my life, including the first I recall. I was a Pansy when I was two.
I'm a follower of the blog and I posted the giveaway on my website blog.
I can be reached at whimsicalkreations@gmail.com
One of my favorite costumes was an astronaut costume with plastic mask. My big brother was an astronaut and I wanted to be just like him. He was SO annoyed that I was copying him, so Mom found a different astronaut costume so we didn't match. He was much happier but I was over the moon! Best Halloween ever as a child...
I am a new follower. My favorite costume as a child was a princess, of course. I love all the halloween ornaments!! :) Such a wonderful group of artists. Thanks for your generosity in offering this giveaway. grams1garden@yahoo.com
Here's my email address just in case I win. I have already posted a comment.
Teresa in California
thanks a bunch!
Count Me In!! Im a follower and super happy that I am.
I love the ornament by Karen Harper,Im a sucker for pumpkin things. However they all were wonderful.
My favorite Halloween Costume was when I was Casper the freindly ghost!! I must find that photo and post it.
Thanks for all your hard work,
Cheryl Barcus
My favorite costume was a gypsy witch, complete with crystal ball and tarot cards!
I also am a follower of this blog, and will blog about this giveaway on my own blog:
SO excited!
Already a follower. A favorite costume was a bunny suit, complete with a sewn carrot in a pocket. Thankyou for the chance to enter th contest!
I am a follower!! my fav costume was little liza jane!! i braided my hair in tons of braides with red ripped cloth tied on everyone and i had an old 50's house dress with large flowers all over it, and bare feet. dark make-up on my face. thank goodness it was a warm night with bare feet and a light cotton house dress i could have froze. I got the idea to be her from a play i did at camp. i was simon La Gree, i wanted to be liza. and i got to be her all night on halloween!!!!!! Thanks tons IskHisface@earthlink.net Diane
Just found this place.. All I can say is WOW... For a Halloween and Witchy things lover this place is like heaven ^_^
Now I'm a follower..
I'd love to take part in this giveaway, so please count me in it
What fantastic ornaments, and wonderful artists! I am a follower, and all my Halloween loving friends know your site. As a child, I always went dressed as a Gypsy on Halloween, and 53 years later...at my Halloween party last year I was a Gypsy..what fun! In honor of this special giveaway, I composed a poem:
by Anne Stevenson
The first of October when the stores began to fill
With witches and goblins, it gave us a thrill-
We waited excitedly for that night to come
Counting the days off, till October 31-
Our costume had to be just right
Wanting to Trick or Treat with a fright-
I put mine together with the utmost care
Always a Gypsy, but one that didn't scare-
The bandana came from Woolworth's store
And the colorful sheer skirt in layers galore-
An old fringed scarf tied at the waist
The brocade vest, up the front it was laced-
Bracelets and earrings dangling in gold
I was ready for any fortune to be told-
Mom put my makeup on, Tangee lipstick bright red
I knew I looked great and had nothing to dread-
Grabbing my orange cloth Trick or Treat bag
The one with a goblin and Halloween hag-
Soon it would fill with treats large and small
Mary Janes, wax lips, Mrs. Brown's popcorn balls-
Living near a graveyard was the best part
The night was bewitching, from the very start-
Halloween was always crisp and chilly
Remembering the fun, we were all so silly-
At the end of the night, tired with feet sore
It was fun coming home, dumping our loot on the floor-
What I wouldn't give to turn back the clock
Eight again, dressed as a Gypsy...the best on the block!!
These ornaments are fabulous. I'd love to win. My favorite costume as a child was a witch with a hump back, I came in second in Best Costume at my school.
I am now a follower.
Ah, such beautiful work, Queens! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to join in the fun this time. :( Keep up the fabulous work and congratulations to those who win!
~creative spirit gallery
I would be ever so grateful to win such a diversly wonderful grouping of art. My favorite costume was that of a witch it was a storebougt costume and that made it so much more special then. Now we are back to the good old homemade.
I became a follower this evening.
What a fun blog! I always liked dressing up a a ghoul on Halloween...(always an afordable costume) Thank you for the chance to win! Hugs...Gayle Montayo glanning@msn.com
I am also going to tweet your contest! Hugs. gayle ... glanning@msn.com
I loved their work, are very creative and very original.
Visit my blog.
Greetings from Brazil.
My favorite costume as a child was when I dressed up as a lion :)
sassyminidolls at yahoo dot com
leaving comment in hopes to win. Never knew about this blog before. Going to start following it as well. Good luck to everyone!
How am I just now finding out about this wonderful blog? AWESOME! Let's see ... one time I dressed as a bowling accident, with a big ball that was cut in half and glued to the back of a bowling shirt, with fake blood all around it.
I didn't know we were going to get ALL of the ornies if we win! That is just way to fantastic!
Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity to enter. I was Casper the ghost once too! He was my favorite cartoon character!
Hi there,
I am too late for the giveaway, but I nonetheless have to tell you how much I love all those ornaments -- great inspiration! Thanks for sharing these amazing photos. It's so interesting to see how the artists created those fabulous ornaments.
Good luck to all the participants -- have fun with your new ornaments!
Happy creating,
I came back to add my email, just to make sure magalyguerrero @ live . com. Okay, so I actually came back to lust after the goodies; they are just too deliciously creepy!
Such beautiful work thank you!
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