Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Queen for a Day Giveaway!

The Halloween Queens have gotten together to have a QUEEN size giveaway! 31 PRIZES IN 31 DAYS! And what better time than for Halloween!!

Enter now through October 15 for a chance to win one of these fabulous prizes below, just click on the banner for a larger view. Drawing will start October 1st and go through the entire month with a grand prize on October 31st! The grand prize will be revealed October 1st!


All you have to do is leave a comment in this post telling us about one of your favorite Halloween traditions. Please don’t forget to leave your email addy so you can be reached if chosen!!

Also leave a comment if you post this giveaway on your blog or facebook linking it to this post for more chances to win. Remember you must leave a separate comment for each entry you complete. Participants may win more than one prize!!

So start SCREAMing the news now!!
We are very sorry but we can only except US and Canada entries only.


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suzanne said...

I'm in!! I have so many favourite traditions, it's hard to pick just one. Carving pumpkins, watching classic horror movies, taking ghost tours, buying boxes of mini chocolate bars to eat throughout October . . .

Huguette En said...

Shared on facebook - Huguette En
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

Shelly said...

What a lot of great traditions! Alas, my family always seemed to be the adults had a party and the kiddoes went Trick or treating! In raising a couple of grand kids we now both take them T & T after being involved with the school parties and the early T&T for little ones...then we come home and watch spooky movies and eat home made chili!

leigh said...

you just gotta love halloween !! i even have a hand painted wine glass that says halloween queen-!!!! this is so much fun-thanks !!!!

leigh said...

you gotta love halloween- i even have a wine glass that is hand painted "HALLOWEEN QUEEN " this is so much fun!!!! thanks for the contest!!!

jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh wow...what fun! i have too many favorites to say. i guess the cooking i do for halloween is the most fun!

Unknown said...

I just posted on my blog about your wonderful giveaway. Good Luck Everybody!!

Faerie Sage said...

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year, the mood in my hometown in canada is amazing, no leaves on the trees, dark by four thirty five o'clock, and misty and creepy. Everthing that a good halloween should be. My favorite tradition, though I unfortunatly do not actually have a chance to do this every year, is bobbing for apples in an old barrel. Authentic amazingly fun, and incorporates the magical fruit the apple! I have to say that all of the prizes are beautiful and that it would be amazing to win one, so enter me in!. You can contact me at my blog at

readingsully2 said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is attending my six year old granddaughter's annual Halloween Party. She started this tradition at age 3.

What a great idea for a give-away.

BarbS said...

Halloween is my most favorite time of year, the costumes, colors and decorations, I love them all. My family gets together for halloween party and we all wear crazy hats. It's alot of fun to see them all.
I'd love to be entered into your contest. Thanks for the opportunity. HAPPY HALLOWEEEN
My email is

claudia said...

Everyone at our house LOVES Halloween! We start decorating the yard in September, of course inside you will find Halloween year round! If you look for my address on google maps, you will see the beginnings of the yard set up with battling pirate skeletons. Google must have snapped the pic in early September. Some how this is very appropriate, as we are known as the haunted house in our neighborhood.
I love your site, and all the wonderful works of art!

BadTable Manor said...

So many favorite memories - you might as well ask me to choose my favorite child - aaarrrgh! OK - my absolute favorite memory is the looks on the children's faces when they visit our home Halloween night. When their jaw drops at the sight of our display, and their eyes pop out when they see the obscenely huge candy bowl that awaits them... it's priceless

Elizabeth Golden said...

This is just the coolest giveaway. Thank you so much for the opporunity, you are so generous. Our favorite tradition was dressing the five boys up and watching them have a wonderful time. Our neighborhood did a big thing for Halloween, trick a treating, then meeting on a culdesac for apple cider, hot chocolate, muffins, a hay ride, story telling, contests for best costumes in several categories. It was wonderful, my boys will remember those years with fun.

Anonymous said...

There are just TOO MANY to choose from! Creating costumes must be my FAVOURITE part, ever since I was a wee girl.

My twin sister and I always had homemade and hand made costumes! I remember one year we were a two-headed monster, constructed mainly out of boxes---with a FULL LENGTH tail!

One thing my mother didn't take into consideration was how we would sit in class.

Luckily our teachers played along, and figured out a way to set the chairs up for us to sit in class.

The other tradition I loved as a child to a teenager, was going to my grandparents' house to decorate it, with scary dummies, hanging ghosts, and jack-o-lanterns. We also trick-or-treated there! (They lived in a town about 40 minutes from our home). I miss that oh so much!

I will post about this great giveaway on my blog!

Stephanie D said...

Cool giveaway!

Halloween has evolved for me over the years--from trick-or-treating myself to taking my younger brothers and sisters to participating in skits with my sweetie to taking my daughter and her friends trick-or-treating.

Now that DD is grown and on her own, and we've moved to a new child-filled neighborhood, I am enjoying really decking out the yard for Halloween and trying to come up with new themes and ideas every year. This will be my 8th year to do it, and some of the children have been coming around since the first year, so I guess this qualifies as a new tradition, right?

email is

Stephanie D said...

Here is the link to the posting on my blog:

Unknown said...

I always dress up, even if I don't leave the house. I also like to decorate and put my scary dolls right by the front door for all to see

Rabbit Hollow Prims said...

One of my favorite traditions is making my kids their own Halloween costumes so they don't look like everyone else. We have gotten so many compliments on the homemade outfits being so much nicer. Please enter me into the contest. I will tweet and facebook and blog it also.

Rabbit Hollow Prims said...

Ok I just facebooked it on my fan page which then goes to twitter, myspace, creating the hive and now off to my blog also

CathyH said...

My favorite tradition is decorating the front porch. My house is 110 yrs old so I add lots of creepy cobwebs and eerie things. Oh and of course a scary pumpkin!!
Such beautiful talent, thank you!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at

CathyH said...

Posted on my facebook page:!/CathyHorner

Anonymous said...

What can I say Halloween is my favorite holiday.One of our tradition is my daughter and myself do the decorating and my huddy carry's it all down from the attic. My son in law does our talking head. My sister and her grown kids and grandkids all come to meme's house. We take the kids trick or treating, we eat pizza and just have a blast! My family has decided to make it a tradition to have a Halloween get together every year! A costume is a must!my email is

CFCW of Cat and Fiddle said...

One of my favorite traditions is bringing out my vintage halloween diecut collection.

Deb said...

I just posted your giveaway on my blog, right sidebar under Great Giveaways. Thanks for entry number two!
Deb~Paxton Valley Folk Art

Deb said...

I just posted about your giveaway on my Facebook page, PaxtonValleyFolkArt, with a link to your site. Thanks for entry number three!

Valories Art n Design Cyber Studio said...

My daughter and I love to design and create a special Halloween Costume for her each year!

auntmannys said...

oh my gosh what a wonderful giveaway! well i am not ashamed to say that my halloween tradition hasnt changed in my 35 years. I still go trick or treating with my kids even though they are pretty much grown. I do dress up as well! when we get home, we sort through all of our candy and play the trading like i did with my brothers and sister when i was younger...i love passing traditions on to my kids and hopefully they will keep the tradition going with theirs!

auntmannys said...

I have posted your wonderful giveaway on my blog as well! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win a wonderful item from such talented artists!

Unknown said...

This is the third year that all my kids, their loved ones and the grandkids all get dressed up in a costume and go to one of our houses for a Halloween supper consisting of as many spooky food items that we can think of. Then most of the kids will take the grandkids trick-or-treating while some of us stay back to answer the door and giveaway treats. What a lot of fun!
I would love to be entered in your fantastic giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

I'm posting your bundle of Halloween giveaways to my sidebar!
Have a Spooky Good Time!

Debbie said...

Stumbled across your blog, am in awe, as I feast my eyes on some of the magnificent art listed on ebay. FABULOUS! I too am a Halloween artists and I love to create this time of year. I join all the swaps I can, so I can get a different perspective on a variety of artists' work I receive in return. (Of course I decorate inside and out with a lot of creepy Halloween decorations!)

Sandy said...

Don't really have a tradition, our neighborhood gets no trick or treaters, which is boring. Good luck to all
Wonderful of you to host this fun give away

Debbie said...

Hello, just me again, letting you know that I posted your banner on my blog:

Deb said...

What's not to love about Halloween? Cool crisp air, bonfires, trickortreaters. Out with the old, in with the new!

Ya'll have BEAUTIFUL stuff.

Kathryn Uster said...

Oh! Halloweenie! My favorite tradition is dressing up and answering the door as the kids Trick or Treat! Candles on the porch lighting creative pumpkin faces! Who could ask for more? Well, Grown up Trick or Treating is fun too! Kate

Anonymous said...

I love fall and Halloween! As soon as school starts and you hear the marching band practicing it starts. Here in Texas it stays hot until Halloween. My favorite holiday is Halloween, you can be whatever you want. Tradition? Of course it is decorating with beautiful things.

Deb said...

Oops, my original comment with my favourite Halloween tradition seems to be missing, I thought Blogger was acting a little funky last night! So here it is again, I've already left comments on posting to my blog and on my Facebook page. Halloween is my favourite holiday of the year, I've been known to put up my decorations in the middle of September and leave them there until the middle of November! Ghosts, witches, scarecrows, bats and pumpkins, I decorate with them all inside & out. But my favourite thing to do is to dress up in my witchiest witch costume and hand out the candy to all of the little ghosts & goblins who come Trick or Treating. Most of them love it although I have been known to reduce a few munchkins to tears LOL. Thanks for this absolutely amazing giveaway and good luck to everyone!
Deb~Paxton Valley Folk Art

craig said...

I just love making a big pot of chili and having it ready for the chilly :) kiddos when they get back from Trick or Treating! And of course, seeing all of the wonderful and creative costumes on everyone that stops by during the course of the evening for candy! So much fun!

Thanks for entering me into your fun contest :)!

Unknown said...

What a fantastic collection of giveaways!! This is by far one of my favorite giveaways so far this year. So many prizes....

I have to say that my favorite tradition for Halloween would be the costumes. We as a family are always searching for new costumes and ideas for the month of October.
As it is we already have all of the weekends booked for that month with activities. I just love the month of October!!

Happy Halloween to everyone in advanced :D


Sister Night Wind said...

My Sister owns cypresshollowprims. We enjoy spending Halloween together when we can. We always have a party with a bonfire and of course everyone is in costume. The entrance to the castle is guard by a Witch and her Cauldron...smokin fun...

Amber said...

My favorite part of Halloween is divination. I like to sit in a nice softly lit room and use a scrying mirror, my tarot cards, or meditation to see what's going on. I also love passing out candy to trick-or-treaters and decorating the house.

My email address is

Amber said...

I wrote a post about this giveaway with a link back here on my blog at:

Jaja said...

Great offer! My fav Halloween tradition is a hayride, wish I could have one this year but the economy is too bad and can't afford to celebrate like I usually would. Maybe next year good Lord willing. Thanks for the chance to win some awesome looking handmades. Good Luck everyone, hope I win! Jaja

All Things Pretty... said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveway! My favorite Halloween tradition: I'm a kindergarten teacher, so Halloween is a BIG deal in my classroom... but with all the rules many schools have re: no masks, no blood, nothing too scary or creepy (?!?) etc... it's getting harder and harder to come up with creative, spooky costumes! I like to dress up as a WITCH... but not just any old witch, every year I have a theme: The Witch of Sunshine, The Valentine's Witch (she was all red and full of lipstick kisses!); The Irish Witch (yep, she was green and had a leprechaun on her shoulder), etc. This year, I will be The Witch Who Lived in the Clouds (lots of "fluffy" white stuff). Happy Halloween everyone! :)mercedes @

Shai Williams said...

Halloween or Samhain is one of my sabbats so my tradition is getting together with others of a like mind and welcoming the new years.

And for just plain fun, about a week before we hold a public Witch's Ball for all to attend


Marilyn said...

Halloween is my FAVORITE time of year and the one holiday that I celebrate with all the decorations I've collected in the last 30+ years! Every year I try to add something new:) I decorate inside and out! I don't have a blog but I do use Facebook and my own personal website (which itself needs updating) and I have posted this link to my friends at FB. Please enter me into the contest, if allowed (since I don't have a blog). I would be SOOO happy to win any of the awesome creations you gals have shown here! My addy is THANK YOU!

Anonymous said...

my favorite halloween triditon use to be takeing the kids trick or treating but since they are grown its decorating the front porch and handing out treats to the little ones

Lenora said...

Wow - that was a list! Favorite Halloween traditions: we have a few: our graveyard built in the yard - carving the many many pumpkins for the graveyard - our witch who hangs on our door - our wall to Honour the Dead - a shrine to post notes regarding all who have passed - the local graveyard Halloween music - concert in the graveyard - shrine, violin art art art - love it! Magical Post! If you care come and join us for ours! More Practical Magic at Practical Magic - How To Make A Magic Wand

Magpie Sue said...

I hadn't really thought about starting any official Halloween traditions other than what I grew up doing. But I find myself buying at least one (and hardly ever just one) new Halloween decoration every year. My husband makes it a point to re-watch his favorite scary movies during October. Two of my adult children work hard to put together a haunted house effect for the trick or treaters that come to their homes.

I'm so glad I found out about this give away from Stephanie at Walks by Night! Now I'm going to have to do a post on my own blog... said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is throwing a party for my daughter and her friends. It starts with a group trip to the local haunted house then we come back to the house for spooky games, graveyard cake and green bubbling punch.

stuffel said...

My favorite Halloween tradition? There are so many to choose from! We celebrate our anniversary at this time too--it will be 14 years this Halloween! We decorate the house, play spooky music, go trick or treating with the kids (4,8,and 13) and have a blast dressing up too!
Please include me in your giveaways!

Buccaneers and Ball Gowns said...

I have so many favorite Halloween traditions, carving pumpkins, watching the movie Sleepy Hollow, and of course dressing up, even if I have nowhere to go!

mousee23 said...

My girls and I have a costume tradition.We start planning in September.This year E is going to be Nurse Joy from Pokemon(L's costume from kindergarten) and L still hasn't decided(I don't have the time or resources to make a Commander Shepard from Mass Effect).Last year E wanted to be a mermaid but with the twist of putting the body on top of a skirt and having the skirt be water.E was 5 at the time.L was Rikki-RG from The World Ends With You video game.Over the years it's been Pikacu,a Game boy,Misty,Lolita,flower,butterfly and so, on.

mousee23 said...
I linked you up

Yvette in R.I. said...

My girlfriend and I dress up for Halloween, and answer the door to pass out candy. We redress old Barbie dolls after fixing and cleaning them, and pass them out to the little girls. I love your site!

AuntKaysHandmades said...

Hi this is a great giveaway.. I love halloween.. Going trick or treating when I was a kid was the best, I always could imagine witches flying past the moon and spooks and goblins out among us trick or treaters. Now my tradition is one day during October we do a spooky movie night at my house as well as one friday have a halloween party for my nephew, with bobbing for apples and pin the bolt on Frankenstein and other fun games and odd foods...


AuntKaysHandmades said...

I've also blogged about this on my blog... :)

Darlene said...

What a fantastic giveaway!!! Please enter me in your contest.

One of my favorite Halloween traditions is baking Halloween sweets and treats.

Gardens Of Utopia said...

Loveeee your work! I would like to enter <3 Blessed be

Gardens Of Utopia said...

I forgot to mention.. I posted it on my blog, my facebook and twitter :) Hope I am doing it right :)

email is

Daisy said...

In Brazil we have not tradition of the halloween, you hardly celebrate the fantasy,but I love halloween!

Lynda said...

I love everything about Halloween - my favorite thing to do is to make finger shortbread cookies, shaping them into gnarly fingers with small indents for the knuckles and an almond slice for a fingernail. People invariably say 'ewww', then taste them and come back for more. Spices in the dough give it a nice grimy color.

Buccaneers and Ball Gowns said...

I shared the giveaway on my blog!! Oh and I don't know if I left my email on my other comment, but it is

mermaiden said...

I love going to my kids' school wearing one of my witch hat designs, having kids & parents alike checking me out and my children not being embarrassed at all! Seriously, they're used to my witchiness and appreciate it :D

Cameron said...

I love unpacking my Halloween getting re-acquainted with old friends (and introducing them to new ones, since I can't help but add to the collection every year...haha)!

It just gets me excited for times filled with childish fun and family time :)

Please enter me into your fabulous giveaway!


Unknown said...

Love all of the giveaway prizes!!!

I made a post of it on my blog


Heather H. said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is TRICK OR TREATING of course!! I have three children and I love to take them. I loved it when I was a child my mother used to come up with all these crazy ideas to dress me up in like when I was 10 I was a Gypsy- ok ask any 10 year old you know what a Gypsy is... I doubt they will know...I look back and laugh now. I do see that the trick or treating traditions are fading more and more every year soon everyone will be doing trunk or treating which is NOT the same or even close. So I will be cherishing every year with my sweet little goblins....
Good luck on the giveaway everyone..
Thanks, Heather H

Heather H. said...

I put a link on my blog for the giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win any of these amazing creations...
Heather H

fayefayesparkle said...

Every halloween is an excuse to craft and create spooky food - every year I make new decorations and try to think up new food ideas!! My email is

Dinah said...

Oh how I love Halloween! I decorate our whole yard with everything to life-sized witches and goblins to hairy rats waiting to jump out when trick-or-treaters come to the door. I add a new item every year and although it scares the bejesus out of them the kids love it.

Lisa Berberette said...

Although I love all things Halloween, my favorite tradition is...a puzzle! My son and I have a collection of puzzle tins from "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" Every year for the last ten years, we put together the Halloween puzzles while watching our favorite Halloween TV specials. Love it!

Wendy said...

OUr Halloween tradition is to have a huge family halloween backyard Carnivale. We set up booths that the older kids run. Apple bobbing, bean bag toss, basketball throw, fishing for goody bags, duck pond, and of course the wonderful costume contest where of course "eveyone gets a ribbon"
Then we take a spooky Hay ride through the Haunted Woods. My sons birthday is close to this date, so he is celebrated at the carnivale, and then it is off to the Texas Rennaisance Festival for All Hallows Eve Weekend. Faries and Goblins everywhere. Oh I just can't wait.
***Please enter me in the contest
Spells and Wishes,
Wendy from wonderland

Jasper Luci Studios said...

My favorite Halloween tradition was that our mom always made our costumes. We never had store bought. Even though at the time I wanted to have the plastic mask rainbow bright, I look back now and realize how lucky we were to have such a loving dedicated mother.

Please enter me in your contest! ; )

Jasper Luci Studios said...

I will also be posting this on my blog!

and if I forgot my email on my other post

Unknown said...

I am posting this for one of my customers who had trouble leaving a post..Janie
Happy Halloween!
One of our traditions is to go to the pumpkin patch every year..:o)

jencar said...

The only "tradition" I have is decorating the first day of October, going to the pumpkin patch and I dress up every year!! Halloween is my favorite and I love primitive stuff!!

Please enter me in the contest and my email is
Also posting on my Facebook!!/profile.php?id=1472571268

Iva Wilcox said...

What a fun way to celebrate the season! My favorite tradition is to spookify our house inside and out! Cobwebs galore, dead branches and all manner of Halloween decor can be seen at the Wilcox manor during the month of October. Great idea to have this giveaway!!
~ Iva

Susan said...

well sadly, my traditions have come to a halt. as the kids are grown and out, and I am now disabled, I still decorate a little.

But I'll share one that we used to do.

We live out in the woods, everyone here has acreage, the houses are in a couple of little bunches, then the rest are spread it. so when they were real small, I'd pull them around the closer homes in the wagon with hay in it :) then when they got bigger they would walked the bunch of homes around ours, but then I'd take them around to all the other homes in the bed of the pick up truck with hay in it to make it like a Hay ride.
I miss those days very much. I also used always make their costumes. :)

Hopefully I'll have some Grandkids before I am too old or too broken down to do some of this stuff with them.

Peace and thanks for the opportunity,

Susan said...

You are now on my side bar :)
thanks again,

Stephanie said...

New tradition this year - New grandson! Even though
He is only 5 months old, hr will be a monkey and we will be accompanying him when he trick or treats! What fun.

Unknown said...

Ooooh, I love this giveaway, dear Halloween Queens! Great stuff! How lucky we are to participate!

Since I live in NYC, there is a huge Halloween Parade downtown every year, so I go, either with friends or alone, in costume. I also like baking a sweet potato pie every year for Halloween! These are two traditions I've had for at least a decade! Good stuff! Please enter me in the giveaway and I'll try to post this elsewhere!

Unknown said...

Hello! I just wanted to post a second time to let you know I have posted the link to this giveaway on my facebook page. You can check the profile here:!/profile.php?id=703922355

Thank you again for this wonderful opportunity!

Debbie said...

Trick or Treat, but I won't make you smell my feet, if you enter me in your give-a-way! I love to decorate the inside and outside of my home, and dress up to answer the door on Halloween night. I love to see all the childrens' costumes and their wide-eyed expressions when I open the door.

Debbie said...

Oh, by the way....just placed your banner on my blog too.

Unknown said...

Carving Pumpkins, our family favorite! We have 4 children, now all in their 20's. The three girls live in our city, but our son lies in Florida. Each year we each gather at least a few pumpkins to carve and each year they get more and more detailed! When the carving is done, we toast all the seeds!

Jo said...

The art work is great! I love dressing up my dogs for Halloween. Luckily, they are hams and love it too!

mieljolie said...

I posted about your awesome giveaway on my blog at:

What a generous way to celebrate Halloween!


mieljolie said...

Oh, and the tradition I like most about Halloween is sooo hard to chose. I guess I'd have to the costume making. I've enjoyed making my own costume ever since I can remember. You'd be surprised that you can find everything you need around the house. It so much more rewarding and fun to make your own over buying one.

Have a Creepy Costume-covered HALLOWEEN!!


Dark Rose said...

Ilove Halloween!
Oh my so many prizes! I want one :) please enter me in your contest.

The tradition that I like the most would be to go out trick treating. We always have so much fun!
My husband is a real clown when it comes to Halloween...
A few years ago he was all in costume and he would do a little dance every time he got his treats...LOL
Just hilarious!!


Sandra M. Lopez said...

Every year I invite the kids in my family and some of my daughter's friends to do Halloween crafts and bake cookies. Later, I do a pumpking carving party where I invite more kids and adults. There's lots of food, Halloween decorations, music, prizes, and pumpkins! When the night comes, we put all the carved pumpkins together and light them. All of us enjoy the work that we have done and the winner gets the big prize. Happy Halloween to everybody. Have a fun and safe one!


mookye said...

What has now become my favorite tradition is decorating the halloween trees----I started with one 4ft feather tree about 14 years ago but now have graduated to four. Please enter me in the giveaway.....Happy Halloween

Unknown said...

our families favorite Halloween tradition is setting up our front yard graveyard. each year it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. ghouls galore!!!
monster wishes,

Complete Kitchens Colorado said...

Yay - it is September 30th and just 2 hours until October. I tweeted your giveaway @mostlyeven.

Complete Kitchens Colorado said...

I posted the Halloween Queen Giveaway on my facebook page. Something orange would be nice :)

K said...

Fab giveaway, its sooooo exciting!

My fav traditions for halloween are to get all dressed up for the day, and make spooky treats with the kids. Every year we try making something new out of the pumpkin innards.


K said...

I have also blogged about the giveaway here


Carapace said...

Leaving out the joy of Trick-or-Treats-- the giving and the getting, seeing everyone's costumes-- the best part of Halloween is carving the pumpkins! We've always had at least one per household resident, so there's no argument over design. Forget making them perfect, they're built to be bizarre and bright--there are ghoulies and ghosties and leggity beasties to distract that night!


auntdeedee said...

Oh my how did I almost miss this??? Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday of the year. I think since I'm an October baby and mom was born just shortly after Halloween on Nov 1st, Halloween was just a big deal to us. To this day, we still break out the halloween music CD's by 10/1, and decorate the house. In fact just last year, we had my niece over for Halloween and my mom dressed up and went Trick or Treating right along with Becky. Everything about Halloween is my favorite so I can't pick my fav tradition but I'll always remember my mom making all of our costumes each year with such store bought costumes for us!

Happy Halloween all!!!
Aunt DeeDee/Dawn

Love You To The Moon And Back said...

Halloween is a fun time of the year. Not only the leaves changing and fall here but, the sounds of the little kids voices sweeping through your door saying Trick Or Treat. Then you open the door and there stands with smiles from the little spooky creatures, vampires, to fairy princess's. What a fun time for my grand kids also. I enjoy going around with them from house to house and stock up on all the candy we can inhale. Then returning home to see their surprised little faces as they dump their load on the floor and sigh, "WOW look at all of this". What a joy to see the excitement in their faces and having spent quality time with the ones you love the most.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Day My Little Dearies...
How exciting this time of year is. My favorite season, my favorite giveaway.

You asked about traditions. Well our kids are all grown now, and we have 8 grandkids. DH and I stay at home and hand out candy to the kiddos. Many years ago I came upon the idea that I made a special gift bag and award for the Best Costume, and when Hubby and I finally see one that just really takes our breath away, we whip out the prize just for them. Now that they neighbor kids have caught on, they come especially for the contest, and they work a little harder at their costumes as well. It has become a little competition. Of course I always make an extra bag or two for costumes, as we have been known to give it away a little to soon. It is fun though.

Please enter my name into the drawing. I am so thrilled to be a part of this celebration.

Boos, rattles and creaks, Sherry

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Dearies....
I now am proudly posting your button on my scrollbar with a little ole linky dinky right back here to you.

Can't wait to see what the next day brings out here to the desert.

Many thanks for the wonderful opportunity to have my name in the drawing.

Have a BOO-tacular day my friend.

Boos, screams and bats galore, Sherry

Steph Jordan said...

My favorite tradition is Costume Wearing. I love how for that one day you can transform into anything you want to be.

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

I always did like to dress up and go trick or treating as a kid. When I got older I would go to Halloween parties. Since I moved here at Condo Lane, CO in 2008, my hubby and I attend the annual Witches Ball. This ball has been touted the best "Halloween Party" by witches and non-witches alike. The band they have is so awesome, costume contest and a market place too. Then of course celebration at midnight! Whoo hoo! :)

Sylvia said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is decorating and trick or treating with my boys. As the years go by, they get older and 13 year old still likes to dress up but only for a couple more years maybe? I will embrace our halloween tradition until....
What a great halloween celebration you have going on...I will certainly post your link on my blog.


Sylvia said...

Hi Vania...I've posted your link on my blog. Thanks for all the fun.


The StarFire Witch / Bald Girl said...

Althugh I don't ave any real halloween traditions other then dressin guo and fetching candy. I do have a favorite halloween thing. And thats carving the pumpkin. I love thinking up ideas to put on a pumpkin . And the scooping of the pumpkin guts is always slimey good times. After which I roast the seeds for a treat :)
Pumpkins rock. Halloween Rocks.<3

Divaeva said...

Favortie Halloween tradition....there are so many to pick from.... Hmmm...Would have to be dressing up. I have always made costumes and I LOVE to dress up and play! Halloween just gives me a great excuse to not look as silly as I do the rest of the year when I play dress up!

oggy10 said...

Please enter my name into the giveway.

My email addy is

When I was growing up, my mom would go all out and decorate the house with spooky decorations. She played the Haunted Halloween Mansion record on the stereo on a slower speed than 33-1/3, which made it sound even scarier. She would get at least 100 kids trick or treating. I decorate my own house, but it is a little discouraging. If I'm lucky, I'll get 10 kids all evening. I'll start tomorrow anyway.

Halloween is the best of the holidays!


TNwoman said...

How great are all those decorations. When our son was younger we use to always decorate the yard, and play some sort of prank on the neighborhood kids. Please enter me into the drawing.

Plumrose Lane said...

I love putting the decorations up with my son who even at the age of 15 still wants to participate.
I've put your badge up on my sidebar too and let me know if you'd like the code so you can display the badge with scrolling html text box below, I would be happy to send it to you to help spread the word. ;D
Enjoy the month!
plumroselane at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I like having a halloween tree and having little halloween presents under it. Also playing phantom of the opera and other scary music.Wearing halloween clothes and I also put out halloween kitchen towels, soaps and using halloween mugs.happy halloween!please enter me in the

Barefoot Primitives said...

What wonderful eye candy!

Our neighbors are far enough away... too far for the kiddos to walk their trick or treating when they were youngun's. So my hubs would hitch up the Jeep or tractor to a trailer - we'd load it with hay bales and hot chocolate and drive not only our kids, but neighbor kids to houses. - Afterward, a bonfire and cooking out hot dogs and marshmallows were in store!

I've posted on my blog too.
~ Debbie

Marfi-topia said...

My favorite tradition is Great Pumpkin Night.we have a special day on the 30th of October, starting at sunset,scary movies ,music and lots of fun food, then at 11:30 we light the jack o lanterns lower the lights and tell scary stories while we wait for the Great Pumpkin to arrive, with gifts and candy.The treasures are left on the front's always so much fun!

Leanne E said...

One of my favorite Halloween traditions is to carve pumpkins with the new immigrant students at my school every year, and then bake the seeds for them to eat. They are always absolutely enthralled, and get squeamish when they have to remove the "guts"...Thanks for entering me in your draw :)

kakihara said...

My favorite Halloween tradition, I go all out I decorate for days, I have all kinds of Halloween decorations from gorgeous to terrifying (not so much the cutesy) We used to always have a big Halloween party, sadly we moved out of state, and where we live now--we don't really know anyone. So I decorate and wait patiently for trick-or-treater's to come--and they never do.
It's ok I still love to bring out my creatures!

Patty Moore said...

My favorite Halloween tradition has begun already with our 31 days of horror movies here. And the decorating of the pumpkins is a true favorite around here. We live across the street from a pumpkin patch......


aphelion said...

ohhhh... what a great idea...

i loooove halloween... and my favorite part of halloween is to decorate aaaaall with pumpkins, little witches, ghosts, little bats, skeletons, werewolfes... and also to sew little bunnies, bears or anything else decorated in all hallows´ eve-style...

and i love the color combination of black and orange or black and mystical purple...

greetz sandra

Unknown said...

Back in my Burning Man days, I was dubbed 'The First lady of Halloween', and it is still the highlight of my year. The entire house and yard gets decorated early in October, I have an entire section of my personal cookbook dedicated to pumpkin recipes, I make homemade Hallowe'en cards, and I have a big annual party. This year I'm ready to starting 'Boo'ing' my neighbors by leaving little anonymous teats on their doorstep :)

just me said...

my favorite has always been the costume, being something fun for a night. my mom had a big chest full of things to make hobo's, gypsys, princesses, chefs. still try to make costumes for my kids. my oldest though now loves to decorate, he is the official spookmaster at our house!! thanks R'Chelle

J. Wecker Frisch said...

Hi - I've always been big into "home made" costume creation including artistic facial makeup as my specialty. We also enjoy roasting the seasoned pumpkin seeds following carving the jac-o-lanterns on Halloween afternoon. Please enter me in you giveaway & thanks.

Anonymous said...

My favorite tradition is watching my youngest daughter unpack and set up the cemetary for Spooky Village. She loves putting the little pieces in different places and telling me the stories behind them.


Alan MacNaughtan said...

My favorite part about Halloween is seeing my Luv Dianie dress up!!! She always comes up with the neatest costumes.....I loved to see how excited she gets....Our family halloween parties are always a treat!!! She is the most creative and gifted person I know...:) My email is hope I win a awesome creation all of them are so incredible..

river5b said...

Halloween is the best time of the year because its so colorful and the hot weather has finally passed and the air is now crisp. Family traditions make it as special as you want it to be. It's about harvesting, blessings and making some fun out of the changing of the seasons. It's trips to the apple orchards for hot mulled cider and smoked cheese and pumpkin patches where every child gets to pick their own for the front porch. We let our four little ones pick whatever they wanted to be and then we made their dreams come true by actually making up the costumes for them. Now my children are grown and we have grandchildren on the way but I still decorate my city apartment kitchen windows with Halloween witches,fairies,black cats & pumpkin head dolls as well as plenty of primitive crows. Every year I dress up as a witch even if it is just to go to my methadone clinic. Just kidding!

Ms Peppercorn said...

My tradition is to decorate with the cherished Halloween collectibles I have purchased from Halloween Queens Bootique, or STJ, or Etsy. Such treasures!

Divaeva said...

Dressing up is my most fav tradition. I am 47 years old and to this day - I dress up! and every costume - no matter what it is must have a touch of "eerie"! :)

Ruthie said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is to put skeleton hands and feet coming out of odd places all through the house ... the ceiling fan in the bathroom, the heater vent in the living room, from behind the curtains, peeking out behind a dresser ... makes it look like things are crawling out all over the house.

Ruthie said...

Added you to my blog ... thanks!

Ruthie said...

And also added this to my fb page ... thanks again!

Cathy ~ Tadpoles and Teacups said...

One of the favorite traditions my kids enjoyed was a pumpkin carving party their grandparents hosted each October. Their grandfather would fill his pickup truck with tons of pumpkins from a local grower and invite all the neighborhood children to try their hand at carving (under close adult supervision, of course!) My kids' grandmother enjoyed decorating the porch with fun Halloween ghost trees and wispy spider web displays, and she was an expert at "brewing" the most delicious apple cider and baking yummy Halloween cookies.

Unknown said...

OMG! What a wonderful contest! Please include me in the festivities! Our favorite thing to so on Halloween is dress up our golfcart and hook up the trailer with hay bales on it and drive up and down the road ( which is very long) and let the grandkids go trick or treating. The best thing about our road is that the neighbors also do the same thing! It's a hoot!

Unknown said...

I just posted the giveaway on my blog. Thanks for hosting such a great party!

Thespa McLaughlin said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is our annual Halloween Party. We spend months decorating the "Halloween Shed" turning it into a sufficiently creepy abode and then we parade brave kids through and try to scare the costumes off of them. Of course the little ones get the Casper tour (you know the friendly ghost tour) We get a banquet table ready and all decked out with freaky foods and devilish displays. It's our favorite time of the year. I would love to be entered into your contest. What amazing handmade Halloween prizes! What an honor it would be to be chosen to give a home to any one of those wonderful creations!

Linda said...

My favorite tradition is going to the party my sis throws every year...It's fabulous!! please enter me in your fantastic drawing!! my email addy is

thanks for including me!!

Unknown said...

One of my best Halloweens was a few years ago. I bought a pair of good quality glowing vampire fangs. When I was face to face with an adult I could keep the teeth from being seen by keeping my head tilted down a bit. After greeting the adult I would then smile at the kids and show my teeth in all of their glowing Halloween glory. The kid’s expressions of surprise were priceless especially when they tried explaining to the unbelieving adults that I was a vampire. Hee-hee-hee!

Ms Peppercorn said...

As kids, a Hallowen tradition of ours was to make popcorn balls and wrap them in waxed paper.
Excited about the 2 HQCB purchases just made! Please enter my name

-ange- said...

Our most favoritetest event is the carving of the pumpkin! We sit down as a family carve our own pumpkins and in the end we judge on who wins the best carved pumpkin! It's truely a blast!!



MoonRae said...

We always decorate and set up some haunted theme for the kids under our carport, last year it was "Alien Autopsy" and my husband was the crazy surgeon doing an autopsy on one of those blow up aliens(pasta and jello for the blood and guts haha)....I think we love the holiday more than the kids do.We also celebrate Dia de los Muertos here in far west Texas. Thanks for a great bunch of giveaways!!!

Stephanie D said...

I just added links to the site on both my blogs: and


Albion said...

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. I love the season, decorations, and dressing up. Now that I have kids of my own, I love their excitement. They're still quite young and don't go trick or treating around the neighborhood except to a select few houses, but they love dressing up and handing out the candy to others (and sneaking in a few bites themselves!). Their oohing and aahing over costumes is priceless to me. We sit on the porch with hot or cold apple cider and enjoy the day.


CFCW of Cat and Fiddle said...

One of my favorite traditions is picking out my 20 pumpkins that I carve into Jack O Lanterns along my walk way

Haunted Swamp Designs said...

What a wonderful giveaway!Favorite Halloween tradition would be my annual party.Almost decided not to have it this year but with help from friends I am!

Haunted Swamp Designs said...

Happy Haunting - Great Giveaway!
Flying over to my Blog and posting this giveaway!

Becky said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is dressing up all together as a family. Two years ago we went as Peter Pan (hubby) Wendy (me) and Tinkerbell (daughter). (Last year- had a baby!) This year, we are back as a circus- featuring ringmaster (hubby), clown (me), tightrope walker (daughter) with a flaming (hula) hoop for little lion to crawl through (baby)! I am so excited! I love Halloween- and I would love to win- I am so inspired by all I've seen! rebeccay104 at yahoo dot com.

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Ohhh, my birthday is the 27th . . . . what a fab present that would be!!!


Eos Mom said...

I love everything about Halloween! If i had to choose, I'd say decorating my house for the season--I've got a pretty good collection of pumpkins and scarecrows; also I make a giant spiderweb sugar cookie for Halloween that is so fun and yummy. Thanks for the chance!
shannonhowl (at) yahoo (dot) com

Jenn said...

OUr new tradition is going to Ghoultide Gathering every year now. I also love getting all my Halloween goodies out every year!!

Cindy said...

I love Halloween, maybe 'cause my birthday is the day after. hehe (I missed it by 2 hrs) As far as traditions go, I'm always the one that helps the grandchildren carve their pumpkins, get them dressed for trick or treating and take them out.

Hugs XX

meggiero said...

Our favorite tradition is to decorate the house with all the awesome OOAK Halloween folk art we've collected over the years.

Caroline said...

My favorite tradition would have to be making costumes. I love it. The stress the looks on my kids faces.. all of it

Sherry's Cabin said...

What fun this is! The pumpkins roll out around her with dozens of them scattered around the porch. A little slime-making in my classroom is always a treat, too! Please sign me up! I love prizes!!

Happy Halloween,
Sherry's Cabin

Unknown said...

My fave Halloween tradition is that I always watch The Rocky Horror Picture show at least once every Halloween
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

The Homespun Loft said...

Please enter me into your contest. I love all the witches.
My blog is
I posted there about your giveaway.

I remember trick or treating the neigborhood with my best friend.

The Homespun Loft said...

Hi- enter me again- I put a note on facebook about it.

Kim Matheny said...

We have a tradition where we have a pumpkin carving contest. The contestants are myself and youngest who is 10 against my hubby and oldest who is 19. A few days before Halloween we carve our pumpkins and set them outside. We talley the votes, neighbors, Trick or treaters, and whoever loses has to haul the pumpkins away. Doesnt sound bad until you realize the pumpkins cannot be hauled away until they have collasped in on themselves. Doesnt take long in the heat we have at halloween in the south. So the losers get to haul the rotting carcasses of the contest, the winners get to take pics and gloat for a year.

Primmomoftwins said...

My favorite tradition is making the trip to this quaint little pumpkin farm with my children. I started taking my now 20 year old daughter when she was only 4. I have 9 year old twins, who I have taken there every year since they were born. They get to pick a pumpkin, have a cup of cider and some kettle korn and we take lots of pictures. My favorite shot is taking their picture next to a pumpkin who is holding an oversized yard stick, stating, "How Tall this Fall?" When I look back at these pictures I am so amazed at how fast the years have passed and how blessed we were to share another cool fall day picking the perfect pumpkin!

1 Funky Woman said...

Well, I am the Halloween Queen to all my friends. My tradition is I start decorating for Halloween on my birthday which is August 20th. I have so much and it seems to take me about a month to get it all up. We have a adult costume party and I always dress up and frankly go batty at this time of year! Maybe I am a witch, muwhaaaa!


kakihara said...

I posted about your amazing giveaway

Thanks for spreading the Halloween Joy!!!

Anonymous said...

Not sure if I have any traditions but I love passing out the candy and seeing how everyone is dressed up. And taking my kids trick o treating.

my email is

Unknown said...

My favorite tradition is to gather up friends on halloween night and go to a haunted house, I still get scared to death every year, never fails!

primitive olde stone house said...

My favorite memory of Halloween was when we would take our little boys to Eckerts Farms to pick out their pumpkins. We would let them run around the barn yard and occasionally chase the roosters around. We'd end our trip of the day by visiting the city's annual chili cook-off. The following day would be spent making little tissue paper ghosts to hang everywhere and then we would drag out all of our other Halloween decorations from the attic. We had such fun times!

Coach Z said...

Halloween tradition is to make up a tradition every year!!! My kids hate the "turn all your candy over to us and we will give out to you in little bits" tradition.

Last year, they accused me of stealing most of their candy!!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is watching horror movies all month long

jack said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is pulling out my LARGE collection of vintage Halloween decorations and placing them throughout the house. Collection is 80+ vintage lanterns - my old childhood costumes and many candy containers. I also have one room dedicated to new artist recreations of vintage look lantens... so always looking for new additions. Please enter me into the contest.

Moon Daughter said...

My favorite Halloween tradition is making my kids' costumes! I've done some creative sewing for them!
moondaughtero at gmail dot com.

Michelle@Sustainably Chic Designs said...

I LOVE to decorate for Halloween. It is my FAVORITE Tradition. My boys help me go all out. It is a family affair!

Leigh Bonifield said...

I don't know if my comment was left or not....My computer seems to be on it's last legs this month, but I will try again. I love HALLOWEEN best of all! Then comes Christmas, I believe. I loved to spend time with our kids when they were little picking out the perfect pumpkin and ending the day at the local Chili Cook-Off. Last year we planted pumpkin seeds, and got one that weighed over 60 lbs. I love to decorate my house with all of my hand-made items from over the past few years, plus things we acquired from when our boys were little! This will be our last Halloween together in our home since boys will be off to college and the military by next Spring!

Leigh at:

Unknown said...

My favorite holiday tradion is our Halloween Hangout and all the seasonal cooking I do for it.


cecie said...

Hi there! I was just told of this place and am excited of not only all the goodies here but of this fabulous contest. Can't resist a chance to win something. My traditions for Halloween have changed since my youngin's have grown up...but I still get dressed up for work (I work with children)and more dressed up to greet the Trick or Treaters. Actually I am the only one on my block that gives out Treats so I sit out in front of my home to let the Trick or Treaters know we are there. And I always decorate my home with loads of decorations. The decorations lend a festive air and it makes me smile. Happy Halloween to you all!

Shirley said...

My husband and I have no children so I always make a gift basket for each of us for Halloween. I set them on the dining room table the night before and we open them at breakfast on Halloween morning. I include silly little gifts, candies and other goodies. This year will be our 37th Halloween together.

Lenny said...

I love carving Pumpkins for Halloween
One of my Favorite Pumpkin Sites is

They Have 1000's of Awesome Unique Pumpkin Carving Patterns

They Also have easy to Follow Step by Step Pumpkin Carving Tutors on the Site for Both Real and Foam Pumpkins. Our Pumpkins Looks Great.
thanks to the Many Tips found on this Site.

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